Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Room - Pouring - Construction E04/05

The mid-semester exercise in construction, concluding the sequence from the hat over its plan to the room. The task was to chose between one of three major construction methods (pouring, framework construction and layering) and to transform the model of the last exercise into a new one regarding the limitations and qualities of the chosen method and solving the method-related problems (the connection between single bars in framework, the openings and edges in layering and the construction and de-construction of the mould in pouring). Every method also got some limitations, being the restricted length of the bars, the requirement of only using same-shaped building blocks and to be able to de-construct the mould withouth destroying it and without moving your model. My method of choice was pouring as I never did it befor and it sounded really intersting, because you are quite unlimited in terms of form and dimension of your model.

The room I created consists of standing, triangular segments, decreasing in scale (which is due to constructional reasons, because I had to get the mould out of the model without moving it upside down). It is lightened by vertical slots that reach to the foot of each triangle on alternate sides. They very quality of rooms created in pouring processes are, that you really can show the thickness and heaviness of the walls, that you are not limited in shape and that you can get an impressive lighning by leading it through long lightfunnels. My aim was to create a heavy looking model, that makes use of this lightning technique, so I chose to put the triangles into a rectangular box to make the walls look really thick. I also segmented the box into three parts to make the single parts look big and heavy and I did not match the seams with the lightfunnels to give it a more "poured" look (imagine the seams matched with the openings of the funnels, the whole thing would look much more stacked). To further pronounce the weight, long and slim lightfunnels lead the light through thick plastered walls.

Those are the plans of the model and I really recommand to watch them in fullview as they took me quite a lot of time to draw. The hatched parts should have been plane black as the plan would have looked more heavy and massive and would have transfered my idea in a better way. For some pictures now:

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